Monday, September 27, 2010

The Cockpit

Well I finally got the nerve to cut out the cockpit! I can't believe how much more it looks like a kayak. I need to fill a lot of holes at the shearline, because I should have run the shearline as one strip, but we'll make it work. The photo should show how much of a gap I need to fill... this is in 4 areas of the kayak. After those are filled, I will start working on finishing the cockpit, at least to a point in which I can separate the two halves and begin to think about fiberglassing.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I have stripped the kayak

Well all of the strips have been layed. I have a lot of clean up to do and a lot of filling, planing and sanding, but it is a major step that I've just made. All-in-all, I think I'll be okay. Need to do some more research on fiberglassing and the proper steps needed to make this all work out.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sealing one side

I worked through and finished one side of the kayak. I ran into problems with cutting too close to the kayak. It's easier to trim away from the kayak and then plane in closer the the edges. It looks pretty good, but I have to plane out the mid section to see how it fairs. I will have issues with the deck meeting the hull in a few areas, but I think I will be able go work around it.

The deck

Getting to the shearline has been very tough. I worked down until the strips were not able to lay flat to the hull, and then I layed the shearline strip. I had to lay it in three sections because of the tight curve.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Building the Deck

The deck seems to be coming along fine. As far as I'm concerned it's a straight path. All the the strips are laying perfectly flat on to the hull. I will be more curious as I reach the the final curve of the kayak to see how I will handle it then... but for now it's all good.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Time for the deck

Well the end pieces held great! I spent Labor Day morning sanding like crazy. There is more filling and sanding I can do, but for now, the kayak is smooth and has a great form, so I decided to flip it over and start working on the deck. I'm starting at the centerline this time and working towards the shearline. My strips are hitting perfectly to the shearline of the hull at this time.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wrapping the ends

I've finally pulled all of the staples and have begun to plane and sand. I planed each end of the kayak smooth and planed down a 1/2 inch piece of oak to 1/16" thick at 2' long to wrap around the ends of the kayak. I cracked my first two attempts of wrapping the oak around the bend. I used a blow dryer on my other pieces at the curve and worked fine. I'm now anxious to see if it all holds. My next steps will be to do my final sanding, filling and more sanding. Once complete I will flip the kayak over and start stripping in the deck. I will re-staple at the shearline to keep the hull tight to the forms.